Project Experience
PPG Consultants endeavors to ensure that the utmost attention and consideration is given to the Client in undertaking any project.
It is deemed that local counterparts are necessary for the management and coordinating role to ensure that all parties are kept well-informed of progress and status of the project at all times.
PPG Consultants works closely with their Clients on any given project. This has enabled a close, hands-on approach to the execution of the construction and its timely completion.
PPG Consultants possess the necessary qualifications and experience to be project CM having worked at Pago Pago International Airport for 17 years now and having also worked closely in other projects with neighboring islands!

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Project History
PPG Consultants has experience in all aspects of civil engineering design, construction management as well as construction. PPG has worked on several large projects within the Pago Pago International Airport.
CM Services for Pago Pago International Airport Apron Rehabilitation Stage 1 - 2018
Construction management services for upgrade and improving of apron facility.
CM Services for Pago Pago International Airport Runway 5-23 Overlay - 2017
Construction management services for construction of 3,300-LF overlay on Runway 5-23.
CM Services for Pago Pago International Airport Runway and Taxiway Lighting Upgrade - 2017
Construction management services for construction of upgrade of Runway 8-26 and Taxiways A, B, C and D lighting system.
AGIS System for Pago Pago International Airport (PPG), Fitu-uta (FAQ) and Ofu (Z08) - 2017
Design services for the Ofu Wharf Expansion - 2015
CM for New Airport Rescue Fire Facility (ARFF) at Ofu Airport, Ofu – 2013 to 2014
Construction management services for construction of new ARFF building at Ofu Airport (Z08) to include civil, structural, electrical and mechanical services.
Design and CM Services for New Security Perimeter Fence at Fitu-uta Airport, Tau – 2014 to 2015
Design and construction management services for construction of new security perimeter fence at Fiti-uta Airport (FAQ) to include civil works and adopting new design measures suitable for harsh environment.
CM Services for Design and Build of approximately 6 miles of Security Perimeter Fence at Pago Pago International Airport – 2011 to 2013
Construction management services for replacement/installation of approximately 6 miles of high-grade quality fence to include concrete footing as well as 8’ and 12’ high fencing, as well as pre-cast concrete barrier walls around residents.
Construction of a new AWOS Facility at Pago Pago International Airport - 2010
Construction of a new Automated Weather Observation System (AWOS) Facility at Pago International Airport to include construction of plinths as well as installation and implementation of new weather system, a first of its kind at Pago International Airport.
Design of the New MALSR Vault (Sub-consultant) - 2005
Engineering Survey and Civil design of Fiti-Uta runway extension (Sub-consultant) - 2005
Civil/Structural Design of the New Standby Generator Room (Sub-consultant) - 2004
Design Services of Security Perimeter Fence at Pago Pago International Airport - 2002
A full design of the construction of a security perimeter fence (constructed by contractor Fulton Hogan in 2002/2003). The design included an 8-foot high security fence with barb-wire strands at top, concrete curbing at bottom and a fusion-bonded PVC coating for resistance to marine environment. In addition to that, an 8-foot high vinyl fence was designed/installed around the VOR due to sensitivity of the equipment. This brought much positive comment from FAA and the design was commended by the FAA-ADO in Honolulu.
Design Services, Civil and Structural for Pago Pago International Airport Standby Generator Room - 2002
Design services to include an engineering survey (topo) of the area, drainage design, structural design, civil design – subcontracted by GMP Associates – to construct a new standby generator room for the airport.
Design Services and Structural for Pago Pago International Airport MALSR Vault - 2002
Design – civil and structural – of new MALSR Vault at Pago Airport
CM Services for Runway Extension and Overlay, Phases 1 and 2, Pago Pago International Airport – 2001 to 2002
Construction Management services – key personnel employed by GMP Associates – to oversee the project management and CM of 3,000-feet of runway extension and 10,000-feet of runway overlay, also to include the upgrade of the runway lighting as well as MALSR lighting on approach of 8-26. Project lasted for two years and budget and total expenditure was in excess of USD$20M.
Development Projects outside of American Samoa
PPG Consultants has also been involved in large infrastructure development projects outside of American Samoa such as:
Huawei – Samoa National Broadband Highway Project, Apia Samoa - 2013
Construction and installation of 10km of new trenching and conduit, 22km of new optical fiber cabling and 41 microwave links (Upolu and Savaii) for new 4G LTE broadband network system for government ministries, agencies and district schools. Sub-consultant and contractor to Huawei.
Bluesky Samoa – Construction of New Cell Tower Sites: Mulifanua, Puipaa and Savaiia - 2013
Construction of 3 new tower cell sites for network upgrades. Construction of foundations/bases for 50m high towers.
Ministry of Finance, Independent Water Sector Agency (IWSA) – Safata Water Improvements and New Intakes - 2012
Construction of 12km of new waterline improvements and two (2) new spring intakes for Lotofaga and Sataoa, Safata. Funded and administered by European Union (EU).
Samoatel – Construction of foundations for new cell tower sites at Samaleulu and Foailalo Savaii, Apia Samoa - 2009
CM Services and construction of two new cell tower sites in Savaii for SamoaTel – Samalaeulu and Foailalo.
Samoatel – Construction of Broadband Marine Sea Cable Housing Structure, Fagalii, Apia Samoa - 2008
Design and construction of a vault to house the new fibre-optic undersea cable for broadband at Fagalii-tai.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Infrastructure, Apia Samoa – 2006
CM Services of expansion and upgrade of three main bridges in Apia, Samoa – Lalovaea, Vaimoso and Lepea. Design and CM of the upgrade of traffic lighting systems at eight main intersections in Apia town.
Experience in Engineering Design & Construction Management
B3.06 Supervision Apia Intersection Improvements Upgrade – SIAMP 2 – in association with NDLea Consulting – 2006 to 2007
This project was design and supervision of eight major traffic intersections in the town of Apia, Samoa which services included the analysis of existing traffic conditions and upgrade of the existing traffic lighting system from pre-timed to semi and fully automated traffic phasing, including in-ground loop circuit sensors.
B4.03 Supervision of Lalovaea, Vaimoso and Lepea Bridge Upgrades – SIAMP 2 – in association with NDLea Consulting – 2006 to 2007
The supervision and some design for the construction of three main bridge structures along main Vaitele Street in Apia, Samoa, which included the supervision of pre-stressed concrete beams and lane expansion and widening of each bridge structure.
Design and Supervision of Stream Upgrades at Faga’alu and Pago Streams – FEMA / Amerika Samoa Government – 2006 to 2007
Stream improvements and channel hardening using gabion retaining systems, part of a Pre-Disaster and Mitigation project funded by FEMA.
Supervision of Pedestrian Facilities Upgrade at Beach Road, Apia – SIAMP 1 – 2002 to 2003
CM Services of construction of sidewalks and drainage improvements on Main Beach Road in Apia, Samoa. This was a World Bank funded project.
Supervision of Pedestrian Facilities Upgrade at Convent Street, Apia – SIAMP 1 – 2002 to 2003
CM Services of construction of sidewalks and drainage improvements on Convent Street, Apia Samoa.